I'm so sorry it's been so long since my last post. It feels as if I should reintroduce myself, but hopefully you have been reading your top favorite posts in lieu of new posts. I hope to be getting back to the regular posting commitment I had started before summer came up and slapped me in the face. It was more of a Wrestle Mania 15 Smack Down. I can't remember a summer in which I've been this busy, this frantic, since I started doing ministry in 1991. I usually have the thoughts that most people have who are under pressure, "am I doing what I am supposed to do?" and can cautiously say that these thoughts have been coursing through my synapses with more regularity this summer than ever before. I will ignore them because next to being a Multimillion Dollar lottery winner, this is the only job I would really ever want to have.
The church where I work is a bustling, busy, scurrying here and there church always busy and always doing something. I've never seen anything like it. Usually I have down times in which I'm not as busy, but not here. I'm always planning, organizing, and executing something. I have this commitment to excellence in what ever I do, which I expensive and time consuming, and causes me great stress, but totally worth it. "Worth it"...remember those words Miss Sharon?
As I type these words I am constantly distracted by what else needs to be done and what else I need to be doing, so I can't really purge the the thoughts I have because I am always wandering away to another place to think of another thing that needs to be done. I know that there is a time which is coming when I will be put to ease and that is Sunday, September 7th. It's when our church launches it's Three Worship services, I'll be providing children's programming for all of those services. Getting read for that is very time consuming--ALL CONSUMING! There are a lot of thoughts trying to get out of my head, knocking on the door if you will. I hope to get them free.
My heart has been heavy with worry about my Dad's. First, Kendra's Dad has been facing some very serious health issues that are threatening his quality and length of life. My prayer is that he takes the very necessary steps to stay committed to the regimen that the doctors have prescribed to give him quality of life. Second, my Dad. He's having surgery on Thursday (I'll not be able to be there as I have a trip planned for my kids to OKC--ack!) and while it's "routine" there is not routine surgery in our family. The last time we had a routine doctor's visit, Emma Richele was cut out of her Mom's tummy! We don't' really have routine anything! My Dad and I are closer that we have ever been and I'm just not ready to not have him in my life or have my kids not love on their Poppa. I will regret the remainder of my days that I didn't have the Dad I've had these past five years all of my life. How I would have been different I'll never know. I have one of the sweetest women in all the world as my wife. I love her so deeply I cant' even begin to tell you where the end of that love is...I just can't see it. To comfort her in her sorrow over her Dad is just too much at times for me to bear. Pray for complete obedience and healing. Amen.
Fastest Summer Ever
1 year ago
Glad to see you back. I knew you'd been busy with summer and all. So sorry to hear about the parent health issues, but as you well know, God has the answers.
Take care, and I'll keep checking in on you. Keep us posted about the Dads.
I'll add both of them to my personal prayer list.
Mr Will!!!!!!
Yes, the words "Worth it" ring in my ears over and over. Good to see you back on. Sending love and hugs your way!
So glad you are back. Hope the family is well and all things work out ok. We'll miss you while your gone.
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